Prince Harry visits Canada House Exhibit:Foster Eastman
On 20, Nov 2015 | In CANADA HOUSE Prince Harry | By foster eastman
HRH Prince Harry arrives at Canada House November 11, 2015 to view the lestweforgetCANADA mural, the Man/Art/Action performance piece CONTACT!unload and the Veterans Tribute Pole. As requested by High Commissioner Gordon Campbell, The Tribute Pole will remain permanently exhibited in Canada House.

Canadian High Commissioner Gordon Campbell welcomes HRH Prince Harry to Canada House, Trafalgar Square

Prince Harry is greeted by Deputy High Commissioner Alan Kessel and Brigadier General Overton at Canada House

Prince Harry meets Sergeant Stephen Clews and Corporal Dale Hamilton and discuss their participation with the lestweforgetCANADA mural

Prince Harry reads signatures and notes written by Canadian families of the fallen in Afghanistan on the backside of the lestweforgetCANADA mural