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CONTACT!unload performs at the INVICTUS GAMES Toronto 2017 and CIMVHR FORUM 2017



Moss Park Armouries


The Honourable Erin O’toole introduces CONTACT!unload at Moss Park Armouries



Don Cherry and Minister Erin O’toole with Team CONTACT!unload


Athlete from Afghanistan competing at Invictus Games



Team USA Kelly Elmlinger (5 gold medals) with Team Canada Natasha Dupuis (3 gold 1 silver)


Senator Anne Cools with Team CONTACT!unload


Team CONTACT!unload



LGen Lamarr with Foster Eastman and the lestweforgetCANADA mural at CIMVHR


Don Cherry with Foster Eastman at the Invictus Games Toronto 2017


CEO of Invictus Games Michael Burns with Foster Eastman






1972 Porcelain busts of Chairman Mao busts were filled with red acrylic paint and detonated onto the canvases to reflect the violence that occurred in Tiananmen Square in 1989

DSC04711          DSC04709

Mao promised land, and he delivered. However, this was very unfortunate for the Landlords.

By 1958, Mao took back the land and collectives were created… leading to one of the worst self-induced famines ever recorded in history. Approximately 30 million citizens starved during The Great Leap Forward 1958-1961.


The goal of the Red Guards was to destroy the 4 olds… habits, ideas, customs, and culture. This piece represents the crucifying of Old China (Jesus) in order to create or resurrect a new China. This image is mounted onto pages of the New Testament with images of Chairman Mao representing the new god.

Also note the family registry. Geneology records were an important tradition in China. Many of these were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution.


The Canadian Doctor Norman Bethune worked for many years giving medical treatment to wounded red army soldiers.



An original banner from the Cultural Revolution is cut and mounted onto panels of images of young soldiers in training.



An image of a 12 year old child pulling a plow is transferred onto images of China under massive industrialization. All technology was paid for by food products sent to Russia.


‘Chairman Mao’s Vision Radiates Brightly Forever’

This verse is a lyric taken from a revolutionary opera made out of white rabbit candies from the 1960s. During collectivization, many children raised in day cares would sometimes learn Chairman Mao’s name before they knew their own name. By the age of 4, children participated in revolutionary skits, enrolled in the Children’s Brigade at 6, the Youth Corps at 12, and by 15, the Red Guards. Compared to North America, children were far from being educated about political science.

white rabbit - red rabbit

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Prince Harry visits Canada House Exhibit:Foster Eastman

On 20, Nov 2015 | In CANADA HOUSE Prince Harry | By foster eastman

HRH Prince Harry arrives at Canada House November 11, 2015 to view the lestweforgetCANADA mural, the Man/Art/Action performance piece CONTACT!unload and the Veterans Tribute Pole. As requested by High Commissioner Gordon Campbell, The Tribute Pole will remain permanently exhibited in Canada House.

Prince Harry is greeted by High Commissioner Gordon Cambell to Canada House

Canadian High Commissioner Gordon Campbell welcomes HRH Prince Harry to Canada House, Trafalgar Square


High Commissioner Gordon Cambell welcomes HRH Prince Harry to Canada House November 11, 2015

Prince Harry is greeted by Deputy High Commissioner Alan Kessel and Brigadier General Overton at Canada House

Prince Harry meets Foster Eastman

Prince Harry meets Foster Eastman

Discussion with Prince Harry regarding lestweforgetCANADA mural

Prince Harry meets Sergeant Stephen Clews and Corporal Dale Hamilton and discuss their participation with the lestweforgetCANADA mural

Discussion between Foster and Prince Harry about the images portrayed in the mural

Discussion between Foster Eastman and Prince Harry about the images on the mural

Prince Harry reads notes and signatures written by Canadian families of the fallen on the backside of the lestweforgetCANADA mural

Prince Harry reads signatures and notes written by Canadian families of the fallen in Afghanistan on the backside of the lestweforgetCANADA mural

Prince Harry signs lestweforgetCANADA mural November 11, 2015

Prince Harry signs lestweforgetCANADA mural November 11, 2015


Harry Capt Wales

Harry Capt Wales

lestweforgetCANADA mural exhibit Canada House November 2015

lestweforgetCANADA mural exhibit Canada House Trafalgar Square November 2015

Veterans prepare to raise pole

Veterans prepare to raise pole


Prince Harry discusses Veterans Tribute Pole with Foster Eastman in Canada House

Veterans:Sergeant Stephen Clews, Major Chuck MacKinnon, Trooper Warren Geraghty, Corporal Luke Bokenfohr prepare to raise pole

Veterans:Sergeant Stephen Clews, Major Chuck MacKinnon, Trooper Warren Geraghty, Corporal Luke Bokenfohr prepare to raise pole

Raising Pole

Raising Pole

Raising Pole

Raising Pole

Raising Pole

Raising Pole

Discussing carvings and imagery on Veterans Tribute Pole

Discussing carvings and imagery on Veterans Tribute Pole

Veterans Tribute Pole

Veterans Tribute Pole

Prince Harry and High Commissioner Gordon Cambell watch CONTACT!unload

Prince Harry and High Commissioner Gordon Campbell watch performance of CONTACT!unload

Foster Eastman, Dale Hamilton, Brig Gen Overton, Prince Harry experience CONTACT!unload

Foster Eastman, Dale Hamilton, Brig Gen Overton, Prince Harry experience CONTACT!unload



Prince Harry discusses CONTACT!unload with veterans

Prince Harry discusses CONTACT!unload with veterans

HRH Prince Harry

HRH Prince Harry

HRH Prince Harry signs Royal Guest Book

HRH Prince Harry signs Royal Guest Book

Canada House November 2015

Canada House November 2015

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

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